Tuesday, March 29, 2011


So the nursery is finally finished- at least for now!- so I thought it was time to share! I did a lot of DIY'ing in the nursery, which I am honestly so proud of. No, it's not perfect, but I love that I was able to put such thought and time into making a special place for our baby girl. So, without further ado, here are the pictures.
 Her room is really small, so it was pretty much impossible to get a picture of everything all together. Here is a shot from the doorway looking in.
 The crib is the Graco Lauren crib, but I got it on Craigslist with the mattress for almost half the price! The chandelier was a not-so-pretty brass one that we had taken down in another room. I spray-painted it pink, and now it's fit for a princess!
Wall decal from Expressing You's shop on Etsy. Quilt I made using the Bloom Quilt pattern from Amy Butler. It's hard to see so I may do a more detailed post about it, but we all (all three of us that read this!) know my blogging history so don't count on it too much!

 I agonized over finding a chair for the nursery. They are all either so expensive or look very uncomfortable, and the room is so small I wasn't sure how a bigger chair would fit. I knew I needed a place to nurse and rock Arabella- or just to even sit and read books when she is a little bigger, though. My mom was looking to make some space at her house, and just happened to have the perfect chair! It was dark brown with a green cushion, so I just painted it and recovered the chair and made a new cushion. LOVE it! Thank you Mom and Dad! The shelf and lamp are things we already had in another room (from Target), and the faux wood blinds and white curtain panel are from Target as well.
 Collage of art above her changing table. Jared painted the ballet slippers and ballerina, which are probably my favorite things in the room. I need to take a better picture-they are beautiful! Arabella is one lucky girl to have such a talented daddy! The lower left frame holds this print that I downloaded from Lay Baby Lay, the bird at the top is this print that I received as a gift from my sweet friend Stephanie (this is actually just a printed copy of it until the real thing comes in, but I love it!, I made the "sweet pea" print at the top and the two small white ones at the bottom right (I'll try to take a better picture, but one says her name and the meaning and the other has 1 Samuel 1:27, and finally the ballet shoes were mine when I was 12 and I just hung them with some ribbon from an empty frame. Most of the frames are just painted thrift store frames from Goodwill.
 The dresser that I found and painted. You can read about it here. In the corner, there is just a small garbage can and little hamper.
 The armoire is something we already had in another room (from Craigslist). There is no closet in the room (it was used as an office by the previous homeowners), so we brought it in as extra storage for hanging clothes and other things!

 Diaper cakes from her Aunt Amy and Sally!
 This photo needs some explanation. For some reason, the door to the nursery just will not stay all the way open, so I made a doorstop using this pattern out of leftover fabric from her chair and quilt.

And finally, this is the outfit Arabella will wear home from the hospital. My daddy bought it for me to wear home when I was born, and I can't wait for her to wear it, too!

So that's the nursery! If there are any last minute updates, I will try to share them, too!


  1. It's really beautiful. I can't wait to see pictures of your new little girl! Congratulations!
